What to Expect in a Session

Here’s the deal.

Signing up to meet with a new therapist can get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list over and over again.


Because saying yes can feel daunting..you’re meeting a stranger that although credentialed and experienced, is still someone you don’t know yet.

On top of this, you’re letting them in on your personal life, struggles, past, and hopes for the future. If the nerves are real for you, you’re normal!

Trust is built through experience, dependability, and knowing what you share will be met with understanding, sensitivity, and empathy.

You also want to know this time will be worth the investment. You may be asking yourself:

Is my time and money going to pay off in the long run for my mental health and overall well-being?

All of these questions and concerns are NORMAL. There is not something wrong with you if this process is difficult, has been pushed off, or if you’ve been making excuses to why it’s not time yet.

Although it makes sense that it’s not always easy, saying yes to seeing a therapist can be the doorway into a healthier, more satisfying, and happier life for not only you, but those around you.

So to ease your nerves a bit, here’s what you can expect from a therapy session with us.

1. You will immediately feel relief when joining your session

Our therapists are welcoming, engaging, nonjudgemental, and calming.

You may feel nervous when hopping on your session video call, but within minutes of joining, you’ll realize your therapist has a lot of experience in working to help regulate your nerves and creating space for your questions and concerns.

Nothing can surprise us, so don’t worry about being overwhelming or ‘too much’ for us to handle.

2. You can trust us with your struggles

At CAC, our therapists are trained in trauma-related therapies and CBT which is geared towards depression and anxiety.

You can feel confident your therapist has worked with your struggle before and knows how to help move you forward towards next best steps and long term healing.

We understand you are not your problems. We’re committed to working with you as a team to fix the problem instead of us working to ‘fix you’.

What you share with us is met with validation, empathy, warmth, and curiosity. You will feel seen, understood, and safe in our sessions.

3. You will be given actionable steps and goals each time

Therapy won’t ever feel like you’re wasting your time.

We utilize our time with you so every bit of it is productive and you leave feeling well-equipped for the rest of your week.

In session we’ll help you create realistic and measurable goals, create new thought patterns, develop practical coping skills, and give homework to implement into your daily life.

Ambiguity or vague direction is not something we want you to ever feel. We value growth and helping you reach your goals as fast as possible.

4. No question or concern is unwelcome

We want you to feel comfortable to ask us any questions that come to mind wether it feels big or small. No question is a bad one, and no concern is silly.

Your voice is highly valued in this process and we want to know what you’re thinking and feeling.

You will not be met with judgment or criticism in this space. So bring your whole self, we’re here for it!

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