5 Hacks to Feeling Less Depressed

1. Know there may not be a reason

If depression is not circumstantial, chances are figuring out why you're feeling depressed is a never-ending battle.

We know if you knew why you were feeling this way, you would've already done something to make it better. That's why understanding that depression many times does not originate from a specific circumstance is important in moving forward.

2. 3 and 3

When you get up in the morning, write down 3 things you're grateful for, and 3 things you're looking forward to.

We know it's hard right now having things to look forward to with the pandemic. Many trips have been canceled or get-togethers delayed, but try and find 3 things you're looking forward to even if they're small.

It could even look like: my morning cup of coffee, petting my dog, seeing my neighbor later.

3. 30 minutes of cardio 5x's a week

This may sound like a lot, but studies show if you get your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes 5 times a week it helps in huge ways with feeling less depressed.

This is especially beneficial if you can get in the sunshine while you do it. Maybe take the dog along and go for a quick jog, or do an at-home workout on your back porch.

4. Learn to ignore the depression bully

Depression can be such a bully. It tells us things about ourselves that we would most likely never tell someone we cared about. Examples of this could be "You're worthless" "This is never going to get better" "Everything is miserable" "I'm a bad person". What's important to know here is that just because you think something, doesn't make it true. Thoughts can feel very real, but we don't have to listen to them.

The next time these occur, practice mindfulness and be able to see them for what they are and let them go.

5. This will not last forever

Depression will not last forever-especially when you reach out and get help!

If feelings of depression feel never-ending or you can't remember the last time you felt okay, know that there are ways to get help, it will not last forever, and it is temporary.

Watch our latest video where John talks more about 5 hacks to feel less depressed quickly:

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