Calm Again Counseling

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The Benefits of Therapy for PTSD: Why Seeking Help is Crucial

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects many people. Although many people are not aware they struggle with PTSD, approximately 3.5% of people deal with symptoms every day. Seeking trauma treatment can provide crucial benefits for recovery. Calm Again Counseling in San Francisco can help you identify and treat PTSD.

Signs of PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychiatric disorder that often occurs in the wake of a traumatic incident. Men, women, and children can experience symptoms of PTSD due to sexual abuse and physical, emotional, or mental trauma. 

Whether you are a witness to a stressful or traumatic event or have been a victim of such events as an adult or experienced childhood trauma, you can experience a variety of symptoms. Signs of PTSD include:

  • Fatigue

  • Insomnia

  • Nightmares

  • Nausea and headaches

  • Frequent flashbacks of the event

  • Difficulty concentrating

After experiencing trauma, the body tries to cope with the trauma by releasing stress hormones. Hormones like cortisol or norepinephrine help regulate the body’s flight or fight response and return the body to a relaxing state. However, the brain and the body often struggle to return to normal after trauma or complex trauma. Triggers such as smells or noises can cause the brain to relive the event again. 

The Benefits of Therapy for PTSD

Any type of trauma is painful, especially if you have to relive the events in a therapy session. However, there are several benefits of trauma therapy for PTSD and complex PTSD that can help you recover and regain control over your life. 

You Feel Seen and Heard

Experiencing anxiety and depression after a traumatic event is common among many men and women. If these symptoms are ongoing, you may begin to feel abnormal or completely isolated. Engaging in therapy sessions can help you feel validated as you share your thoughts and feelings with an unbiased person. Whether you engage in a one-on-one session or in a group, you will learn that you are not alone.

Exploring Your Feelings

With help, you can learn how to break through the barriers of your traumatic event, making it easier to explore your feelings. In trauma therapy sessions, you can learn more about your specific feelings and why you have them. A therapist can listen to your thoughts and feelings and then help you cope with them in a way that works toward healing. 

Learning to Heal

After you experience trauma, you may feel that you will never recover. However, methods such as EMDR therapy can help accelerate the healing process. By blending a variety of therapies, EMDR can regulate your stress responses and help you find relief from your symptoms as you try to heal. 

Overcoming Barriers to Seeking Help

Seeking help for PTSD is not always easy. In fact, people often feel embarrassed or hopeless. Some people may struggle to recognize the signs of post-traumatic stress. Despite the reluctance to do so, finding someone you trust is the first priority in seeking help to heal from trauma. Have a conversation with someone you trust who will encourage and support you in seeking professional help. 

Contact Calm Again Counseling Today

At Calm Again Counseling, we help those in San Francisco and the surrounding areas to recover from PTSD. If you need to talk with someone, contact us today to connect with your San Francisco PTSD therapist.