Should Meditation Be Part of Your Trauma Recovery Plan?

Many people will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. Trauma can have a deep and lasting impact on a person’s physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing and affect their personal and professional life.

A traumatized person may take extreme steps to avoid triggers. They may cut themselves off from society. In many cases, performing activities of daily living may prove to be an uphill struggle.

Trauma does not have to last a lifetime. If you are traumatized, reach out to a mental health counselor for help. A licensed and experienced therapist will create a customized treatment plan to fit your specific mental healthcare needs.

The objective of trauma therapy in San Francisco is to equip patients with coping skills that they can use to better respond to emotions and memories associated with traumatic events. 

Healing Trauma Through Meditation

Many therapists make meditation an integral part of trauma recovery plans. There is a growing body of evidence supporting different meditation treatment approaches.

There are several benefits of meditation. Studies show that meditation may instill a sense of calm and relaxation. It can help reduce chronic pain, lower blood pressure, and alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and irritable bowel syndrome.

Many people make meditation a part of their trauma recovery plan to cope with stress, rewire their brain, increase positive emotions, become more self-aware, and manage sleep problems.

The Bottomline

If you want to give meditation for trauma a try, consults a trauma therapist near you. Your therapist will review your medical history and analyze your symptoms, feelings, and emotions to determine if meditation is right for you.

Meditation Best Practices

➢        Create a designated space to meditate. Try to meditate in the area as often as possible

➢        Make meditation a part of your daily routine

➢        Before starting, take a couple of minutes to clear your mind

Is stress or trauma wreaking havoc on your mind and body? Calm Again Counseling can help. We are committed to helping people battling mental health issues get their lives back on track.  To make an appointment with a certified therapist, call (415) 480-5192.


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