Calm Again Counseling

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Things You Can Do To Help You With Depression

Living with depression can feel overwhelming and discouraging, and some days, you may not know where to turn or what to do. When you have depression, you may feel tired, drained, and empty of feelings. You may want to be happier but don’t know how. Fortunately, there are things you can do to help alleviate some of the depression and live a happier life. Here are some things you can do to cope with depression:

Accept How You’re Feeling

Many times, people who have depression will feel like they are broken or beat themselves up for how they think. Unfortunately, this doesn’t help the condition and can worsen the symptoms. When you accept how you’re feeling and tell yourself that you aren’t broken, you may notice that you’re starting to feel happier.

Treat Yourself With Kindness

When you beat yourself up for feeling depressed, this can cause more negative loops in the brain and cause more depression symptoms. When you treat yourself with kindness and grace, your brain will understand that you are safe and may start to calm down. The brain is neuroplastic and can change, but it takes time.

Smile and Pretend You’re Happy

When you smile, your brain doesn’t know the difference between a fake smile and a real smile and releases the same happy chemicals of dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. If you put on happy music, dance, and pretend you’re happy, your brain will eventually change, and you will start feeling happier. Fake it until you make it is very real for the brain and depression!

Get Exercise and Fresh Air

When you get out and get exercise, your body discharges energy, and your brain will focus on nature. Being out in nature is good for the brain and body, and a change of scenery can be very good for anyone. Fresh air can help your body relax and recharge, calming the body and the brain.

Don’t Try to Predict the Future

Your brain likes to tell stories and will often go to the worst-case scenario to try to help you. If you tell your brain that everything is fine and that you’ll deal with things as they come, this can quell some of the depression symptoms you’re facing. Focus on the present moment, and do exercises to bring you back into the present.

Do Things That Make You Happy

Sometimes, treating yourself to a special coffee or getting your nails done is the perfect solution to depression. That little treat may help release those happy chemicals in your brain. Another way to get the happy chemicals is to do things that make you feel accomplished. A hug from a loved one can also help calm the brain and the body.

Talk to a Counselor

If you’ve been dealing with depression for a while, talking with a qualified therapist can be life-changing. Whether you’ve had an acute event that triggered depression or you’ve been dealing with it your whole life, there is help available. At Calm Again Counseling, we enjoy working with our clients to increase their quality of life. Call us today to schedule your first appointment. We look forward to working with you!