Calm Again Counseling

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5 Ways PTSD Can Affect Everyday Life

Approximately one-fourth of people who experience trauma in their lives will struggle with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The good news is recovery from the effects is possible. If you are struggling with this issue, here are 5 ways PTSD can affect your everyday life and some tips on how to recover. 

1. PTSD Can Disrupt Your Physical Health

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can affect more than your mental health and awareness. Experiencing a traumatic incident causes the nerves in the brain and the body to initiate a “flight or fight” response. This trigger can occur immediately following the event or even months later. At some point, the brain understands the event is over. However, the lingering memories or other triggers can disrupt your physical health.

Sleeping, eating, and exercising can experience a disruption as the body and brain try to return to normalcy. Insomnia, angry outbursts, and lack of appetite are common in those who struggle with long-term trauma and PTSD.  

2. It Takes Away Control Over Your Life

No one enjoys feeling like their life is out of their hands. Trauma survivors can have many symptoms related to their trauma. However, the primary symptom of PTSD is that memories will expectedly resurface. Memories and feelings regarding the traumatic situation will come back at any time, making you feel powerless over your life. 

Nightmares, flashbacks, or certain sensory triggers can make you feel as if you’re reliving the event. This can be especially intense for substance use flashbacks. Many people who have experienced a traumatic event find that trauma therapy is beneficial in helping them work through sexual abuse flashbacks, insomnia, or other symptoms from their incident. 

3. It Alters Your Emotional Health

Research shows that people who have experienced a traumatic incident have a shift in brain responses after the event. Traumatic stress affects how the brain processes everything, which can negatively impact the quality of life after a stressful experience. 

Each person deals with this issue differently. For example, some may experience apathy toward their favorite things, while others struggle with unnecessary guilt, depression, anxiety, or memory loss. 

4. Causes Shifts In Personality

This mental health disorder can negatively affect your life and prevent you from enjoying the things you love. You may notice a shift in your personality as well. Angry outbursts are common, but they can make you feel like a different person. This is the brain’s way of working toward healing. Finding help from a professional trauma therapy counselor can help you find healthy ways to heal. 

5. PTSD Can Change Your Social Life

When you’ve experienced a traumatic event, the last thing you want to do is talk about it with people who don’t understand. Therefore, it’s easier to avoid crowds or even people you know. Many people find it easier to distance themselves and the world so they don’t risk talking about their feelings. 

It’s helpful to know that while recovery takes time, there is hope for healing. Seeking a compassionate and understanding professional counselor who has training in PTSD and trauma treatment can help you move beyond your symptoms and find healing. 

Let Us Help You Recover

Calm Again Counseling provides PTSD treatment and trauma therapy in San Francisco, CA, and the nearby areas. If you’re struggling with symptoms of PTSD, we want to help you recover. Contact our San Francisco, CA, office today to schedule your first appointment so we can help you work toward recovery.