Rewiring Your Mind: How CBT Therapy Reshapes Thinking Patterns
Have you ever considered the incredible power of the mind? Our minds have the ability to control emotions, shape perceptions, and cultivate behavior. When we encounter life challenges, our minds can negatively interpret them, leading to self-doubt and depression. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can help us shift our mindset and empower us with confidence to overcome these thoughts. Let’s explore how this therapy can shape and guide our thought patterns in a positive way.
Understanding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Many therapists use CBT to help identify negative thoughts and patterns in adults and teenagers. This form of psychotherapy focuses on the relationship between thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. CBT therapists use this therapy to help identify negative thoughts to improve mental well-being. As therapists and individuals work together, they can develop strategies to replace negative thoughts with positive ones.
How to Recognize Negative Thoughts
Sometimes it’s hard to recognize negative thought patterns. However, this is a crucial step to overcoming negativity in your life. Many things can shape negative thought patterns, including trauma or difficult seasons of life. Negative thought patterns may occur in personalization, catastrophizing, or other cognitive distortions. There are ways to help your mind recognize these patterns. Keeping a diary or journal can help you keep track of these thoughts so you can assess how they impact your behaviors and emotions.
Facing Negative Thoughts
After you identify negative thought patterns, CBT helps you challenge these thoughts with evidence-based reasoning. First, we examine all thoughts for negativity and assess their logic and accuracy. This process helps replace negative thoughts with a positive alternative that will help cultivate positive thinking.
Negative Thoughts vs. Adaptive Thoughts
Consciously choosing positive thought patterns takes patience and calmness. Over time, you will notice these new adaptive thoughts are more compassionate, and promote better mental health. Since CBT aims to cultivate adaptive rather than negative thoughts, therapists use specific language in CBT sessions. For example, instead of dwelling on thoughts like, “I keep failing,” you can replace the language with, “I have the ability to learn from failure, and I can try again.” Cultivating adaptive thoughts is a consistent practice that will promote healthy thinking.
Cognitive Restructure Practices
CBT therapists use many techniques, including cognitive restructuring, which helps replace negative thoughts with realistic and accurate ones. This technique, like most, requires consistent practice to help rewire the mind to think more positively. Over time, thinking positively will feel more natural. Cognitive restructuring is a key technique that will help strengthen positive thinking patterns until the new patterns become normal.
Identifying and challenging negative thought patterns can feel uncomfortable at first. However, with more practice and support from a licensed CBT therapist, you can become empowered to control your thought patterns and shape a healthy mindset for life.
Schedule a Consultation Today
Are you searching for help with negative thought patterns? If so, contact Calm Again Counseling in Bay Area, California, today for help. We can schedule a consultation with a qualified CBT therapist who can support and guide you in rewiring your mind for a healthier mindset. Contact us today.