Calm Again Counseling

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3 Reasons Online Counseling Might Be The Right Fit For You

You’ve been thinking about seeing a therapist, but you’re wondering how you’ll find enough time in your busy schedule to actually schedule an appointment. Maybe you are ready to find a therapist, but you aren’t sure where to start or maybe the therapist you’d like to work with does not offer availability that works well for you. Maybe their office is too far from your home or office. It might feel like the stars simply aren’t aligning in order for you to take care of your mental and emotional health.

Our lives are busier than ever. You might be juggling your career, education, and dedicating time to your physical health, friends and family. With so much on your plate it’s often your own self-care that comes last on your list of priorities.

Whether you are experiencing anxiety, depression, an unfulfilling career, relationship challenges or something else that is preventing you from living your best life, therapy can be one of the best investments you make for yourself and your life, but maybe there are some things holding you back…

You might be feeling/thinking…

·       There are not enough hours in the day to make time for therapy

·       The search for a therapist is overwhelming

·       It is time to ask for help, but I am not sure what to expect

·       I feel ashamed to ask for help

·       There is such a stigma associated with going to therapy…

·       There are not any therapists that offer hours that work for me…

·       My schedule is often unpredictable

·       I work late hours

·       I travel too often for work

·       My commute time and rush hour traffic would prevent me from making my session on time

·       I do not want to be seen going to therapy by anyone I might know or work with

·       My child or teen needs therapy, but it is hard to find the time with my family’s schedule and needs

·       I’d like to see a therapist during my lunch break, but with travel time to their office it is not doable.

These are all common concerns for those looking to start therapy. Your fears and concerns are valid. If you are going to start therapy, it needs to be in a sustainable way to where you can set aside enough time and energy to get the most out of it.

Going to a therapy office can involve extra time, travel costs, commitment, and an extra level of vulnerability if it is out of your comfort zone.

But, there is another way.

Many therapists and counselors are now offering Telehealth (otherwise known as online counseling) as an alternative to in-person sessions. If you’re wondering if this might be the solution to your concerns, here are 3 reasons online counseling might be the right fit for you:

1.     You have limited availability or a challenging schedule to navigate:

We get it. Sometimes it feels like your day is planned to the minute and once things runs over, then the whole day is off. Every moment counts so spending extra time commuting or traveling to a therapy office might not work for you. Maybe you have a busy work schedule, limited time where you have childcare covered, or maybe you travel out of your city, state or country often for work.

Online therapy gives you the flexibility you need in order to get help. You might be able to schedule a virtual session during your lunch hour without having to leave your office. You could continue your sessions even as you travel remotely for work. Without the extra time commitment and travel time, seeing a therapist might work for you.

2.     You are feeling intimidated or totally out of your comfort zone by going to see a therapist

Especially if you are starting therapy for the first time, you might be unsure of what to expect. You might feel a bit out of your comfort zone or worried about seeing someone you know at your therapist’s office.

The great thing about online therapy is that you can control the location. You can join in for a session from the comfort of your home, your car, or elsewhere.

You might worry that the session might not be as effective if you are not actually in the room with the therapist, but actually research has shown that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy. The most important thing is that you have a good relationship with your therapist and you feel seen and heard by your therapist.

The therapeutic relationship should feel like you and your therapist have equal power and influence in the relationship. It should not feel that your therapist is deciding things on their own or discounting your experiences. Online therapy actually helps the relationship to feel more balanced in that you are meeting in a truly neutral space as opposed to an office space that is more comfortable for the therapist. You can feel more at ease from the comfort of a space that feel familiar to you.

3.     You do not have many options for therapists in your area

Whether you live in a more rural area with less mental health resources, you are living abroad, or you work far from your ideal therapist’s office, online therapy can give you more options to choose from than just what is in close proximity.

Depending on the therapist’s license they might be able to offer online therapy beyond their city and to individuals within their whole state or multiple states. This will give you a better chance to choose a therapist that you feel very comfortable and compatible with.

Research Shows:

  • 2014 study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that online treatment was just as effective as face-to-face treatment for depression.

  • 2018 study published in the Journal of Psychological Disorders found that online cognitive behavioral therapy is, "effective, acceptable and practical health care." The study found the online cognitive behavioral therapy was equally as effective as face-to-face treatment for major depression, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

  • 2014 study published in Behavior Research and Therapy found that online cognitive behavioral therapy was effective in treating anxiety disorders. Treatment was cost-effective and the positive improvements were sustained at the one-year follow-up.


On the other hand, online therapy might not be the best fit for you if…

·       You do not have access to a good internet connection

·       You do not have the right device (a mobile device or laptop) that will support video conferencing

·       Your home environment does not feel safe

·       You cannot keep your conversation confidential at home

·       You feel unsafe talking about certain topics or relationships at home with someone else in close proximity within your home

With that being said, many find online therapy to be very effective and convenient. Many therapists have even begun to transition to fully online practices because online therapy can be so accessible, fulfilling and beneficial for both the therapist and the client.

Imagine having your therapy sessions right from your living room...or from your office...or pretty much anywhere else you can imagine…

...or being able to check in with your therapist in the middle of a stressful work trip...or when a crisis happens during a family vacation…

No matter where you are, your therapist is there for you.

To meet you right where you are.